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Funny Pick Up Lines.Pirates

  • Pick Up Lines:

    “Gurl, do you have a shovel in your back pocket?” (なぜ?) “Cuz I’m diggin’ that ass!”


    「ペンギンは仲間を見つけると、一生一緒にいるんだ。 私のペンギンになりませんか」


    ねえ、家までついて行ってもいい? (´・ω・`)「あ、ごめん……親に夢を追えって言われただけなんだ」

    「指摘させてもらうと、『美しい』にはUが入ってるんだ。 でも、’quickie’ には U & I が入っている。”

    “I heard you’re a Gryffinwhore” (Why?) “Because you let every wizard Slytherin!” (なぜ?)

    Baby, if you were a fruit would be a fineapple.

    Roses are red, Violets are blue, You can be my Cinderella, I’ll give you a shoe.

    Country boys don’t need pick-up lines, because they have pick-up trucks.



    「やあ、電話帳を書いているんだけど番号を教えてくれる? “

    “You’d be a hot -o -bot, and you’d called Optimus Fine!” “You can call me “The Fireman”… mainly because I turn the hoes on.”

    “Hi, I have to ask you to leave!” “どうも、お帰りください!” “I’m going to have to have to ask you to leave!” (なぜ?) “The sign says NO SMOKING… and you are definitely SMOKIN!”

    Boy: Girl, whats your number?
    Girl: I have a boyfriend
    Boy: I have a math test
    Girl: What?
    Boy: I thought we were talking about things we could cheat on

    You must be a magician, because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.

    Do you have a name or can I call you mine?



    Hey, wanna come over the Myspace and Twitter with my Yahoo till I Google all over your Facebook?

    「お前の親父は軍将官なのか? あなたが通りかかると、私の下半身がピクリと動いたわ」

    あなたのパンツはセールで買うの? 私の家では100%オフだから。







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